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Additional Ways to Boost Engagement

Read on to learn 6 actionable ways to get followers talking back to you today.

Rosy Shephard avatar
Written by Rosy Shephard
Updated over 3 years ago

If you're looking for some additional ways to give it a boost, you've come to the right place! By the end of this article, you’ll have 6 actionable ways to get followers talking back to you today.

Let's take your social media engagement to the next level.

6 Ways to Increase Your Instagram Engagement Today

  1. Stop second-guessing: The easiest way to get your followers talking back to you is to recreate what worked in the past. Look through your last 9 posts and see what got the most engagement, then recreate it (not the same content, but similar look and feel)!

  2. Go Live for at least 10 minutes teaching your followers something new: Don't let the fear of serving your audience for "free" stop you. *Note: If there aren’t many viewers attending live, keep in mind that the power is in those watching the replay. You can share your LIVE to your Stories and your feed for more visibility.

  3. Leave a comment of more than 4 words on 3 posts on industry-specific hashtags: By “industry-specific,” we mean something that others in your field may use, like #graphicdesign or #weddingphotography. Participating in new conversations will increase the likelihood of other professionals commenting on your posts, too!

  4. Post an Instagram Story using engagement tools: Use engagement tools such as the emoji slider, poll, quiz sticker, etc. to get your audience to talk back to you with just one tap.

  5. Engage in the comments of a larger account your ideal client follows: Put yourself in your client’s shoes. Maybe they follow Pottery Barn or Anthropologie, for example. Once you know where they’re hanging out, engage with those who commented on their most recent post and maybe they’ll comment on yours!

  6. Create an Instagram Reel showing a hack related to what you do: Here’s where the engagement piece comes in - encourage your followers to SAVE it for later and comment below with what they learned!

Now that you just read 6 ways to increase your engagement, we want you to pick ONE and do it today.

Action leads to progress, so taking ANY action, whether it’s messy, scrappy, right, or wrong, is movement in the direction you want to go: FORWARD.

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