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7-Day Content Planner

Looking for Jasmine’s tried and true 7-Day Content Planner? Well, look no further because we’ve got you covered!

Rosy Shephard avatar
Written by Rosy Shephard
Updated over a year ago

Does planning your social media content take FOREVER? We know most business owners can’t find the time to take the perfect photo and write an engaging caption… even though they know how important it is to market their business.

And when you multiply that by 7 days per week, all while you have a business to run? *No gracias!*

If you can relate, we want to help you save time and make sales… which is why we’re giving you Jasmine’s EXACT content planning strategy!

In this 7-Day Content Planner, you’ll learn how to plan a week’s worth of social media posts in one sitting, PLUS you’ll receive 7 customizable caption templates designed to get people talking back to you! Click below to download the 7-Day Content Planner!

👉 Wanna dig deeper?

Ready to learn how to plan your content for the week on the Social Curator Platform in just 30 minutes? Watch our class on how to plan a week of content in 30 minutes using Dottie!

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