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Discover Uploads

Need a place to store and organize the images you want to use in your posts? You can do just that in Uploads!

Rosy Shephard avatar
Written by Rosy Shephard
Updated over a year ago

Ready to upload and organize images and videos to use in your posts and create folders of Social Curator photos for quick + easy access? Keep reading to learn how!

To begin, navigate to your Uploads (on the left sidebar) and then, click ‘Upload files’ from the left of your screen.

Select all the photos or videos you want to add from your device. Once selected, you’ll see a pop-up in the bottom right of your screen that tracks the process of your uploads.

Once uploaded, you’ll see the name, type, size, and modified date of each image/video. If you’ve created a folder, you can simply drag and drop the photo into the folder.

Want to organize your visuals into folders? Just click ‘add folder’ at the bottom left of your screen!

To use any of your uploaded photos/videos in a post simply click the three dots that appear when you hover on an image and click + Add to post. From the three dots, you can also download your visual, delete it, or rename it.

Note: if you delete an image, it will be removed from your post stored within Social Curator, but it will NOT be removed from your Social Media profile if you've already posted it!

You can also sort Social Curator photos from our Gallery into folders by clicking the three dots on a photo and selecting ‘Save to Uploads’.

You have 512MB of storage available to use in the Cloud. To see how much storage you are using you can view the storage bar at the bottom left of your screen.

Want a video walkthrough for using the Cloud? Watch it >>HERE<<

Need help or have questions? You can reach us by clicking Help & Support in the left sidebar of the Home Page and chat with us!

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