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The 7 Social Curator Caption Categories
The 7 Social Curator Caption Categories

Each caption template is categorized into 7 topics to help you show up online! Learn more about them here.

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Written by Social Curator
Updated over a week ago

The 7 Social Curator categories are explained below. Remember, these are to be used as a guide and reference point. Feel free to modify them so they best fit your brand, business, and personality!


Whether you own a business or a personal brand, it’s important to bring a personal side to your business so you can help your Ideal Client know, like, and trust you more. When writing About Me posts, consider sharing things about you or your team as individuals, such as your favorite snack or how your team spends their weekends - all things that you'd feel comfortable telling a stranger on a plane.

For example:

• Your favorite music to listen to while you work

• What you love most about being a dog owner

• Your idea of a perfect Saturday


This invites your audience to see the "real life" behind your business. Pulling back the curtain gives your followers permission to imagine you working on their project, which can be very beneficial to building your clientele.

For example:

• Your office space, or where you work

• What you love most about being in your industry

• How to use a product or how a service you offer can impact potential clients


By sharing your why, or the reason you are in your line of work, you're inviting your audience to connect with you. As Simon Sinek says, "People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it."

For example:

• The person who inspires you in business

• Your overarching mission that fuels your work

• The reason you started your business and how it has evolved over time

Not sure what "your why" is? Check out this exercise!


This is where you will share your tips and perspective in a way your potential clients or customers can benefit from. For example, in this category, you may discuss what you learned at a recent conference, how a childhood experience impacted how you serve your customers today, or what you’re looking forward to in your business.

For example:

• Tips, tricks, and hacks that can help them related to what you do

• Values that you live by

• Ways you've found to make life better or easier that your potential customer would value


Just like you would encourage a friend, your Ideal Client needs encouragement too! Think about what your Ideal Client may be struggling with and intentionally encourage them, whether it be with a funny lesson you learned, a silly meme, or an uplifting quote.

For example:

• A funny joke to lift their mood

• How you get through a bad day

• Your pump-up playlist to start the morning


This sells your business without sounding "sales-y." Share the long-term, emotional, or unexpected benefits of your product or service and direct your followers to your website or opt-in to learn more.

For example:

• A testimonial from a previous client

• The most common compliment your product or service receives

• The impact your product or service can have on a potential customer's life


This is where you will introduce your audience (new and old) to a product or service you offer. Get creative! Marketing is just repeating the same message over and over in different ways.

For example:

• A limited-time deal or discount

• The solution you offer for the problem potential customers face

• Showcase an older product or dazzle them with something new

👉 Wanna Dig Deeper?

Check out the Action Plan This ONE Formula Will Turn Followers into Customers to learn more about how to use these caption categories to create content for your business!

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