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Building Your Content Pillars

Feeling the stress and overwhelm of figuring out what you're going to talk about today? Answering this question can help.

Rosy Shephard avatar
Written by Rosy Shephard
Updated over 11 months ago

Feeling the stress and overwhelm of figuring out what you're going to talk about today?

Take a step back, take a deep breath and answer a simple question: what do you want to be known for? Answering this question will help you create your Content Pillars.

Building Your Content Pillars

Your Content Pillars are built around the things that you’re uniquely experienced to talk about in your business. They streamline your message and help position yourself as an authority.

When it comes to choosing your Content Pillars, nothing is too big or too small. You can talk about anything you have experience in or are confident in providing information about.

You aren’t tied to these Pillars forever, in fact, we encourage you to update them as you grow with your business over time. So, go ahead and pick the three things you’re comfortable talking, teaching, and sharing about!


  • Family Photographer: photo session attire, family-friendly locations, pre-session tips for happy kids

  • Essential Oils Distributor: clean living, wellbeing, essential oil recipe

  • Life Coach: mindset shift for success, defeating the imposter syndrome, understanding you are enough

  • Montessori Educator: simple and easy learning activities at home, demystifying Montessori, home setup for success

  • Jasmine Star: branding, utilizing social media effectively, seizing seemingly impossible opportunities

PRO TIP: Dottie can help you with your Content Pillars! Just try asking her “Can you suggest 3-5 content pillars for my business?” And choose from what she suggests! Be sure your profile is up to date so she gives the most accurate information.

Once you have your three Content Pillars try to come up with 5-10 ideas or topics for each pillar to talk about or create content around for the next month on social media!

And I’m sure you’ve guessed it but Dottie can help here too! Simply ask “Can you give me 5-10 ideas or topics for each pillar to talk about or create content around for the next month on social media?”.

You can also use the Social Curator Categories to help you point back to these pillars as well. The pillars will help keep your categories focused and in alignment with your brand.

👉 Wanna Dig Deeper?

  • How Content Pillars make it easier to show up on social

  • Taking hashtags to the next level with the Hashtag to Direct Message approach

  • Connecting with your ideal client in Facebook Groups

  • Increasing your discoverability in-person

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